Week 1 Blog#
Blog #1 20-05-2024
Wow, I truly can’t believe we’ve already been in Belgium for over a week! Earlier today, I was talking with Paolo and Michael about how quickly time has flown. One moment, we were all arriving at the Brussels airport, and now, ten days into the Dialogue, we are already Leuven experts.
Over the past few days, I’ve had the chance to gain a deep understanding of European government and politics, specifically about the EU, NATO, EEAS, and more. Despite organizations like the EU and NATO that unite countries into one, each European country and city still stands out differently in its own ways, making every part of Europe appealing to visit. All of the speakers have been amazing, and I appreciate them allocating their busy schedules to be able to speak with us.
I’ve also gained useful technical skills in my DS 3000, especially with my data science and mathematics skills. It’s clear that Dr. Gerber and Dr. Fontenot had dedicated an incredible amount of their time to prepare for all the lectures and assignments, and I’m extremely grateful for them.
What surprised me the most about Europe is how the people have been incredibly nice, contrary to the stereotypes of being rude and strict(We’ll see about that once I visit Paris next week!). Everywhere I go, I just see people smiling and enjoying themselves, making me want to spread that same positivity as well.
Lastly, a huge shoutout to Leuven Chicken Rice and Isha for their amazing food. It’s a delicious restaurant near the city center and is the perfect place to satisfy home-cooked cravings. After eating out every day, it’s good to eat “home-cocked” style meals once in a while.