Week 2, Project Update#
During this week, our team has made some great progress in our project. Through feedback and reiterations of project ideas, we set the goal of constructing an application that focus on the impact of politicians’ investments on the stock market. To help achieve this goal, I was involved on the making of ER diagrams for the databases that will be used as well as drafting wireframes of proof of concepts using excalidraw.
ER diagrams: I worked relentlessly with Joshua to construct a clear and well-thought diagram to connect all the datasets we needed to support our application. We started with localized diagrams for each of our user personas and then combined it to build a global data model. To make sure that the diagram was easy to follow, we built a second version where no lines crossed each other and added additional information in the relations between entities. Additionally, we decided to color the entities to follow the lecture slides for better readability.
Wireframes of POC: To better visualize what the application might look like for each of the user personas, I constructed a version for each our our users to demonstrate the difference in features in the app. To make sure that the visualizations were to the best standard, I spent some additional time detailing the drawings to better analyze the features that need to be implemented in the upcoming weeks.
In the following weeks, I hope to continue to work efficiently with the team to make sure that our goals are achieved to the best of our abilities and rethink some of the practical applications of our current version to better serve each of our user personas.