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Week 4 Blog

·533 words·3 mins

Final Push

C-Mine and Thor Park

Over the past week, we had the opportunity to explore the captivating sites of C-mine in Genk and Thor Park. Our adventure began with a tour of C-mine, where the industrial past of the former coal mine was mind opening due to impressive architecture and creative repurposing to transform a industrial power house to a cultural stable in the city. We then attended a technical discourse at Thor Park. I found the technical talks to be my favorite. The more technical talks had more specific and interesting date to talk about, as well as answered questions really well.


One event that really stood out to me this week was the football game between Belgium and Luxembourg, where Belgium had a 3-0 victory. The atmosphere was really different than I expected, with fans who did not stop screaming and supporting their teams. Moreover, the lecture by Luc Alaerts on the circular economy was truly interesting. Alaerts was incredibly engaging, using concrete case studies to illustrate how circular economy principles can drive sustainability and innovation. I was particularly struck by his explanation of how products are designed for reuse and recycling, ensuring minimal waste. The conecept of ranking repurpsosing had not occured to me and was very interesting. This concept reminded me of the efficient processes in football, where every play and strategy is optimized for the best possible outcome. Alaerts’ insights shed light on the importance of designing systems—whether in economics or sports—that are resilient and adaptable. This lecture open my mind in terms of sustainability, showing that with careful planning and innovation, we can create systems that benefit both the economy and the environment.

The Project

Over the course of this week, we were tasked with enhancing our user interface, integrating real data into our stocks, politicians, and legislation modules, and implementing machine learning models into the application. A particular struggle I faced was not with the machine learning algorithms themselves but rather with the database design. While improving the UI and data integration, I encountered issues with our stock data. The problem was withiin our database structures that had different attributes for the stock table compared to the data we had. We needed to create new tables, such as stock_unique, to manage unique stock entries effectively. Another highlight of the project was learning how to keep routes to simple atomic purposes by splitting up operations and utilzing payload effectively.

In total, I worked on the theoretical database design, route designing, and streamlit presentation, and all were equally enjoyable!

Looking back, it was exciting to see our full project come together. Being able to architect a full-stack application in such a short time was a great feeling. Next step deployment!

Resume Points

  • Designed and Implemented a modern data-driven full-stack web application with Flask, Streamlit, and Docker to track politician stock trading and legislation creation for investment insights

  • Leveraged MySQL database for efficient data management and scalability of >300k data points across 22 tables

  • Architected RESTful API routes for 3 user personas across GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations

  • Interfaced ML models on project database data for stock transaction price and volume predictions